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10 filmů o sportu a fitness, které vás zachrání před nudou v karanténě

10 filmů o sportu a fitness, které vás zachrání před nudou v karanténě
Evangeline Howarth
Autor a expert5 let Ago
Zobrazit profil Evangeline Howarth

If there was ever a time to catch up on all the TV catch-ups, it's right now. It's important that we follow the rules and stay at home during this time, so we'd all probably appreciate some tips on how to make the long time shorter. A lot of you probably feel like you can't go to a proper training session, or you're looking for motivation. What's better than getting pumped up by watching the most legendary sports and fitness movies and documentaries?

Here are some of our favorites with tips on where to watch them…

Fittest on Earth (Amazon)

Functional fitness has become very popular in recent years. This documentary follows key athletes as they prepare for competition and then compete. Watch the world's top athletes battle it out in 15 events over 5 days and soak up that determination and motivation. The dramatic battle to be crowned the Fittest on Earth will captivate you from start to finish.

Game Changers (Netflix)

Documentary of 2019 - if you missed it, now's your chance to catch up. Will watching Arnie and the world record strongman make you want to give up meat and dairy and go plant-based? It's time for you to make up your own mind about whether a vegan diet can help or rather harm your gains. Now you have time to weigh all the pros and cons, so why not?

Not Above Jimmy (Amazon)

Do you miss football on TV? Get in the mood with this classic football movie that will put you in a good mood and banish football sadness. There's nothing better than a pair of magical football boots and British humor to help you escape reality for an hour or two.

Dawn Wall (Netflix)

The heights to which this documentary takes you will make your knees buckle. Follow Tommy and Kevin on their journey to the Dawn Wall of El Capitan, an elevation of 914 meters in Yosemite National Park, California. This seemingly impossible challenge will make you admire their skills and courage. And quarantine will seem like a toy to you. Eating, sleeping, climbing and literally hanging off a sheer cliff for weeks on end sounds really exciting.

Warrior (Netflix)

MMA movie with Tom Hardy? We are for. Trained by his alcoholic and ex-boxer father, he fought his estranged brother in his first MMA fight. If you like complicated family dramas mixed with some awesome fight scenes, then turn this movie on. Will this match bring the family back together? You'll have to watch to find out.

Icarus (Netflix)

With everyone staying at home, you might be missing a little of the usual excitement and scandal. Well, at least until now. This Oscar-winning documentary brings you closer to the shocking world of doping in sports. Prepare to be shocked at how far some athletes are willing to go to win. If there's anything you want to watch today, pick Bryan Fogel's surreal quest to uncover a huge international doping scandal that has rocked the sports community.

Remembering the Titans (Disney+, YouTube)

Based on a true story, this movie will bring you team spirit and maybe bring a few tears to your eyes. Set in 1971, a newly appointed African-American coach, played by Denzel Washington, works to cement the high school football team. We love it when sports bring us all together, will Will succeed? You have to look.

Rocky (Amazon, YouTube)

Pokud jste na tomto seznamu nečekali Rockyho, tak je asi něco špatně. S touhle spoustou volného času máte prostor na zhlédnutí celé ságy. Pokud neznáte tenhle příběh, kde jste byli celou tu dobu?! Vše začíná v roce 1976, příběh dokumentuje proslulou kariéru Rockyho Balboa, fiktivního boxera. Existuje i pár spin offů ve formě Creed, takže začněte sledovat, jinak se nemůžete sledovat sportovním fanouškem, pokud jste tohle nikdy neviděli.

Space Jam (YouTube, Google Play)

Pojďme si přidat trochu nostalgie začleněním klasiky z devadesátek. Pokud máte doma děti, je tohle skvělý film i pro celou rodinu. Kombinace hrané klasiky s animací Looney Tunes, tahle pohodová komedie s profesionálním basketbalistou Michaelem Jordanem vás přenese zpátky do dětství a vykouzlí vám úsměv na tváři. Kdo nemiluje animáky?

Co si z článku odnést

Whether you prefer documentaries or a mix of animation and live action, there is something for everyone in the world of sports movies. Laugh, be inspired or be shocked without leaving your couch.

Evangeline Howarth
Autor a expert
Zobrazit profil Evangeline Howarth

Evangeline se účastnila sportovních soutěží již od mládí. Jako kvalifikovaná RYA instruktorka jízdy na malých závodních lodích rozumí důležitosti správné výživy pro zvládnutí extrémních a vytrvalostních sportů, především díky její zkušenosti s týmy Velké Británie a vedením a trénováním prvního týmu její univerzity.

Ve svém volném čase miluje Evangeline běh - především maratony. O víkendech ji můžete najít u vodních sportů nebo při výšlapu do kopců. Její ideální večer je strávený HIIT tréninkem nebo dřepy v posilovně před tím, než si připraví nějaké pálivé jídlo s hromadou zeleniny - mňam!

Přečtěte si více o Evangelininých zážitcích zde.
